In relation to mobile devices, the following information is included regarding the settings or the documentary about it.
For Android: Menu – More – Settings – Privacy settings.
For Safari (IOS). for windows
Our service is not aimed at children under eighteen, so we do not process the data obtained from said group. In any case, if you have information to the contrary, please let us know so that we can proceed to eliminate it and adopt the necessary technical measures.
Ninja Talent through third party providers collects anonymized cookies to create demographic and behavioral segments for online analytics. These third-party companies may insert and collect cookies. Through these providers, it is possible to disable (opt-out) the related cookies or for the purposes of behavioral analysis/retargeting, where appropriate, by inserting the following links that are inserted below together with the links established for this purpose in the table of third-party cookies: .
Ninja Talent will not be responsible for the use and use of cookies that third parties make outside the Web itself or social networks with respect to which they can access from it, so we suggest that they access the links that we insert and the information provided by third parties. to which they access For any questions, clarifications and/or suggestions regarding cookies, please contact us via email [email protected]
The information provided may be modified due to updates or changes in the cookie treatment policy. Likewise, the Spanish Agency for Data Protection may issue instructions and/or recommendations that make it vary.
The possible data collected by treatment managers (service providers) are necessary for the operation of the tools available on the web (chat; calendar or others) and for purposes associated with the purposes affected by the different cookies listed, such as Google Inc.; Clarity and social networks. Said data may require international transfers, which are guaranteed through the so-called Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) of said providers.
The conservation period is configured to the necessary one to be able to comply with the indicated purposes, after which it will proceed to its deletion or anonymization.